"You sent us this product and it's just fantastic. I have a website, universaltruthschool.com, I only have products there that work. Yours, MasterPeace will always be there everyday."
"(I had) at least 15 years of severe itching. Noctural, it's a like a pruritis, a neuropathic itch, something to do with nerve damage. I had lead poisoning, from massive DDT poisoning when i was 15... usually i would lose a week of sleep because of the itching.
I think ive gone past that point now where the itch is going to wreck havoc on my life which it has for 15 years... as long as I stay with this product (MasterPeace). This product has got something in it that has given me a steady stability in my constitution. There's no more weakness, mental fatigue, despair... im strong now.
Now I can eat more and i don't wake up feeling... "I feel poisoned, something or someone is poisoning me"... that's gone."
Santos Bonacci
"I have spent 25 years uncovering truth around this world. It is only through the grace of god MasterPeace was brought to my attention. This moment is of historical proportions for mankind…for what i have witnessed there are no words to describe this gift for our world. Our world requires hope…a light to follow…. MasterPeace is such light surrounded by amazing people with enormous hearts, courage and love. MasterPeace is not just some product… it contains the very essence of life within…it’s power to restore and protect all of mankind is of epic proportions.
Christopher James
Martin Pytela of Life Enthusiast Website and Podcast
Today I am coming to you with a message that is a bit out of my ordinary. Having tested the product, i have to tell you that this is, exciting me.
I'am now in my 40th year of this research, so not a lot of stuff takes me out of my chair. This stuff does.
And I want to tell you that, with the gravity of what that means at least in my life... if you have any faith in what i have to say, then head this: this is important. The product is called MasterPeace...
The first thing i want to tell you is this: when i first took it in my mouth, and it's always the story: the first cut is the deepest.... it really let me know that this is vibrationally of the highest grade. I don't know how else to put it other than: it's the sensation you get when you put something really important in your body.
Martin Pytela
I've been trialling MasterPeace for about two and a half weeks and I've been super excited about it. Almost kind of like... it's so good that I just can't really believe it... What I think this does and why it's really special is it mitigates the toxic side effects of other detox protocols one might be doing.
I've been liver flushing for a long time and making great strides but I do still suffer from detox side effects. I'm still experiencing some emotional symptoms after doing a flush and the masterpeace has just been absolutely a game changer.
I started to notice a deeper sleep, a lifting of mood, feeling very happy very positive feeling very clear mentally… getting on with tasks that maybe I'd been putting off but now those feel much more easy and much more effortless, it's been wonderful.
Masterpeace cleans up the debris that are being released or redistributed (by other cleanses). The heavy metals, the endotoxins, the positively charged toxins, the environmental forever chemicals... and I think it’s cleaning those out of the brain and out of the nervous system which I think powdered zeolite would not be able to do.
Elizabeth Wells
"MasterPeace Zeolite Z(TM) nano colloidal hexagonal clinoptilolite zeolite in marine plasma at a pH of 8.4 is a multidimensional hexagonal cage that has a high negative charged honeycomb framework of micro pores for adsorbing and absorbing or capturing and demagnetizing positively charged molecules for decontamination from graphene oxide and ferric oxide, and hydrogel/PEG, destroying their ability to function as a receiver and transmitting biosensor found inside the human or animal body fluids."
"It would be wise for the whole of humanity, including animals, to take MasterPeace Zeolite Z(TM) sublingually to protect themselves from heavy metals, forever chemicals, glyphosate and phosgene, radiation, electronic and wireless network exposure, and nano particles of graphene oxide, ferric oxide, aluminum oxide, titanium dioxide, barium, cesium.. to name a few of the highly acidic and magnetic toxins found in the blood, interstitial fluids, and urine of animals and humans."
Dr robert young