Human Consciousness Support's Hair Test Study
- covering minerals and toxic heavy metals.
*Note: This option is strictly for people who have never taken MasterPeace before.
*Note: No identifying information will be made public or shared
Ingredient One:
This pure and highly bioavailable ingredient magnetizes itself to toxins, allowing your body to remove it, thus returning your body to its natural balance (a.k.a. homeostasis).
Ingredient Two:
Every bottle of MasterPeace also contains organically sourced sea plasma. This mineral-rich substance contains nutrients like sodium, potassium, magnesium and a range of bioavailable minerals that most people need dearly in today’s world.
*Note: This option is strictly for people who have never taken MasterPeace before.
*Note: No identifying information will be made public or shared
*Note: Not offered for Canada.