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Aluminum Test Results Before and After a MasterPeace by Human Consciousness Support Protocol.

From the Cellular Toxin Clinical Study Conducted by Naturopath Caroline Mansfield for Human Consciousness Support

Aluminum Blood Test 35 days to 90 days

Test Subject #1 Test Subject #2 Test Subject #3
35 Days 176.73 nmol/l Borderline 97.07 nmol/l Tolerable 157.68 nmol/l Borderline
90 Days 38.62 nmol/l Tolerable 131.44 nmol/l Tolerable 24.18 nmol/l Tolerable
Aluminum Blood Test Summary:
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    45.2 ug/g was the combined Baseline total for all three test subjects.
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    194.24 nmol/l was the combined 90-day total for all three test subjects.
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    For Test Subject 2, there was a slight increase, but it remained within the tolerable range (below 149.99 nmol/l). As for the other two subjects, their levels shifted from borderline (above 149.99 nmol/l) to within the tolerable range.

Aluminum Urinalysis Baseline to 35 Days

Test Subject #1 Test Subject #2 Test Subject #3
Baseline 39 ug/g Outside of Reference Range 4.1 ug/g Within Reference Range 2.1 ug/g Within Reference Range
35 Days 2.7 ug/g Within Reference Range 2.5 ug/g Within Reference Range 1.9 ug/g Within Reference Range
Aluminum Urinalysis Summary:
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    45.2 ug/g was the combined Baseline total for all three test subjects.
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    7.1 ug/g nmol/l was the combined 35-day total for all three test subjects.
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    This is an 84.2% reduction in Aluminum levels in urine averaged between three test subjects.
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    Test Subject 1 initially had levels outside the reference range but was subsequently brought into the reference range. In contrast, the levels of the other two subjects decreased but remained within the reference range each time they were tested.
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