Why the 3 pillars matter
Living true to yourself by peeling off layers of toxicity in the mind, body and spirit takes time and effort. Deep seated subconscious programming that informs perspectives and decisions need to be brought to the conscious and let go of. THEN there is free thought. Coping tactics you’re still using to avoid allowing deep seated emotions to move through you must be felt fully. THEN growth explodes. Self limiting beliefs should be challenged. THEN true potential can be had. A healthy inner terrain needs cultivation. THEN true health can be realized.
Cleaning the physical body and respecting it as your vehicle through this life is imperative. Moreover, the way you treat your physical body is a reflection of the respect you have for your whole self and the gift of life.
It’s impossible to be physically healthy if you are not fit yet possible to be fit without being physically healthy because the latter is only addressing one aspect of your physical health. It’s a much lower hanging fruit. True physical health requires a healthy lifestyle, which being fit does not. Being fit only requires one aspect of a healthy lifestyle and it can be obtained short term by bypassing that lifestyle. However, eventually fitness will fade if the whole body is not addressed.
In the same way, it’s also impossible to be holistically healthy while only addressing part of what makes you-you. In regards to holistic health, it’s impossible to achieve without addressing your whole beings needs. Mind, body and spirit are all involved. You may obtain one without the other 2 but that is not holistic health. You are missing integral parts of the whole package. This will hold you back and affect the other areas not nurtured.
The path
In the same way, it’s also impossible to be holistically healthy while only addressing part of what makes you-you. In regards to holistic health, it’s impossible to achieve without addressing your whole beings needs. Mind, body and spirit are all involved. You may obtain one without the other 2 but that is not holistic health. You are missing integral parts of the whole package. This will hold you back and affect the other areas not nurtured.
For instance, if the Mind and Body are detoxified then the spiritual aspect will increase at an exponential rate. Living true to you requires addressing patterns that keep you stuck and clearing filters used to convince yourself of false alternate truths. The path to a healthy mind/body/spirit has been hidden from us so we don’t develop to our fullest potential. Therefore, we do well to make it a priority to get guidance from those that display aspects of living in integrity that we want to emulate.
Life does not give us what we want, rather, it gives us who we are. Living true to oneself by always saying what’s true and feeling everything fully to allow e-motions to BE in motion and pass through us takes dedication and courage. You will face uncomfortable truths about yourself and the world around you.
Additionally, we are bombarded by toxins and stresses that compromise us so we must let go of that which doesn’t serve us, replacing with routines of cleansing and nourishment. Rinsing and repeating anything from daily to yearly practices.
Unraveling the confusion
It’s no real secret what we need to do but to put all of the contradictory information together is a real feat. Who is right? What is right? You could waste years or decades trying to pick through all of it. The quick answer is – no one is right and no one thing is right. YOU are right if you can figure out how to listen. YOU are immensely intuitive and know what you need. Being guided is one thing. Being told is another. Being told takes your power away. Being guided requires responsibility on your part, which most today do not care to have. “Just tell me what to do”, they say. While I totally understand that statement and where it comes from, ultimately you will get farther if you educate yourself on your options, tune into your body and then experiment. See how it feels. This requires elements of all 3 pillars to be active. Your whole being needs to be in the game.
With all this said, it is immensely valuable to hold space for a source that has curated some of the most effective information so your choices are informed. It is also valuable to have support in the way of that source being able to get to know you then whittle down best options moving forward. This is quality mentoring. We all need it. Once we recognize this and put ourselves humbly in front of those that have what we desire we can really propel ourselves forward.
Teri Lynn – Holistic Health Consultant